Thursday, January 27, 2011

Chinese New Year Dish: Vegetarian Poon Choi / Peng Cai 过年菜: 喜悦盆菜

Serves 4 persons

*8 pcs preserved chinese mushrooms(superior quality, large/medium in size)
*1-2 pcs dried /long seaweeds (soften in water,cut into oblong shapes)
*1 large piece of fried bean curd sheet(cut into oblong shapes) or 1 packet of ready fried in oblong shape
*250g Brocolli or Cauliflower,cut into small florets
*100-150g Chinese cabbage (Wong Bak/Bok Choy), cut into broad strips
*1 bunch of Fa-cai 发菜(soften in water)
*4-5pcs of fresh King oyster mushrooms(cut into slices)
*1 medium size Yam and cut into slices (oblong shapes)
*1 small size Green papaya/ Chayote 佛手瓜 & cut into slices (oblong shapes)
*50g medium size radish, cut into broad strips
*50g medium size carrot, cut into broad strips
*2 pcs Tempeh (cut into oblong shapes)
*a small handful fresh coriander leaves, for garnish
*300ml rich vegetable stock (can use either Bok Choy/Soy Bean/Green Papaya to make the egetable stock)
* Others like: baby corn, green peas, *1 tbsp sesame oil

Seasonings for Stewed Mushrooms:
*2 tbsp vegetarian oyster sauce
*2-3 tbsp vegetable oil
*1 tbsp organic molasses
*1 cinammon stick
*5 star cloves
*shredded 1 thin slice ginger
*1 pc red fermented bean curd (2cm x 2cm cube), mashed finely
*150-200ml rich vegetable stock

1. Preparation for Stewed Mushrooms: Heat vegetable oil and slightly fried the shredded thin slice ginger. Well mix the seasonings with vegetable stock (50ml) and continue stir fry with the ginger. Cook for 5 mins. Add in the mushrooms with the remaining vegetable stock and stew for at least 35-60mins. Set aside to cool down.

2. Preparation for Poon Choi/Peng Cai: Arrangement of vegetables within the flat & large casserole.

(a) Start from the middle of casserole and arrange horizontally the different ingredients layer by layer in the following order: yam, bak choi, tempeh, carrot, radish, seaweed, mushroom, green papaya/chayote, bean curd, king oyster mushroom, brocolli/cauliflower and repeating the same order again till full.
(b) Add the left over stewed mushrooms gravy with 50ml vegetable stock into the Peng Cai to boil.
(c) Lower heat and cover the claypot to simmer for 10-15 mins.
(d) Sprinkle with a small handful fresh coriander leaves, for garnish and sesame oil. Serve immediately with rice.

Jess wish everyone: "May this Rabbit New Year be overflow with Blessings, Happiness and Success. 四季平安顺心顺意"

1 comment:

  1. Thank you Jess for sharing. Awaiting more recipe from you.
